
// Access to Theatre Areas
/ Asia


1941: «...But there is high drama of another kind for western eyes in the cosmopolitan stream of life that today sweeps along through the wide, shaded streets of the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh. Here Europeans, Annamites, Siamese, Malaysians and Javanese rub against swarthy men from the provinces of Tonkin and Souch China. Yellow-robed bonzes go about their daily business of begging, praying and teaching. Coolies, bear-
ers and sailors from all the ports of the world swarm along the steep banks of the restless Megong that flows by the city. ... Manners and customs of the past and present meet continually in the sights seen along these thoroughfares, but never inside the theatre. The classical theatre lives only in the past and like a ghost is seen only after dark.» [more]